Professional Patent Translation:

• Official Documents.
• Filing particulars.
• Patent Specifications.
• Contracts and Agreements.
• Court decisions and pleadings.

Patent Drafting:

  • A patent application needs to describe an invention in a manner reflects that the invention is new and non-obvious. Thus, describing the invention to be unique is a challenge than most people realize.
  • Our specialized team at Infinity-IP provide you such Patent Drafting service, assisting in drafting the claims, full description of the invention and drawings and describing modifications, specific embodiments and alternatives in compliance with the different applicable patent laws.

Prior Art Search:

  • As Infinity-IP realizes the importance of Prior Art Search, it focused all its attention on providing all resources and tools to make this service at the top of its priorities. Prior art is any evidence that your invention is already known. If you intend to exploit your idea commercially, alternative solutions may be strong competition. Our specialized in-house team will assist you to know what the alternatives are to be able to argue successfully that your solution is better than alternatives.
  • For an invention to be patented, the criteria of novelty and non-obviousness have to be met. By such a service, we will assist the inventor to get an accurate idea of just how novel and non-obvious the invention is in order to be able to re-work his invention and patent application to lead the invention to be granted. Also, we help the inventor to distinguish between what is already known (prior art) and what is new (invention).

Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search:

  • As a part of our IP services, A Freedom to Operate (FTO) analysis is offered by our in-house qualified team by searching patent literature for issued and all those live patent assets and provide the legal opinion as to whether a product, process or service may be considered to infringe any patent(s) owned by others.
  • We will assist you to identify the features of your product prior to launch a product in certain country. By such a service, we will assist a business owner to seek patent protection for the new technology and ensure a greater degree of freedom to operate, instead of keeping it as a trade secret.

Patent Validation:

  • Our Validation system provides you a full Search reports analysis for the granted patents that would be valid at the respective local patent offices, inserting all the needed amendments in conformity with the applicable national patent laws and tracking of and following up the whole examination process, assisting in leading the patent application to be granted.

Patent Anti Infringement:

  • Our specialists at Infinity-IP provide you such a legal services tracking of any patent or data protection infringement at the local authorities and respective patent offices to ensure the intended protection.
  • The infringement analysis will be conducted to mitigate / eliminate the risks of infringement of patents in certain territory.
  • Our Legal team will assist following-up any Patent infringement that may occur by a third party, without authorization from the patentee.
  • Our team has all the capabilities to represent you in patent litigation case to ensure that your patent rights are properly enforced.